

本篇整理的是擁有強大經濟護城河的公司, 強大護城河依照Morningstar的歸納分為 五類 (詳見連結),分別是 1.有效規模 2.轉換成本高 3.成本優勢 4.無形資產 5.網絡效應

【國際經濟】TPP太平洋驚雷一響 台灣準備好接招了沒

號稱地球史上最不透明的貿易協定跨太平洋夥伴協議,TPP登場 經過多年協商後終於達成協議,成為了經濟規模超越歐盟的最大自貿區,涵蓋全球GDP超過40%。





「特別提款權(special drawing right,SDR)是國際貨幣基金組織IMF創設的一種儲備資產和記帳單位,亦稱“紙黃金(Paper Gold)”。







After historic meet, top China paper warns on Taiwan independence
Progress over the past seven years - referring to the rule of the China-friendly Ma - has been possible due to a joint political will to oppose Taiwan independence and accept there is "one China", albeit it with different interpretations, the paper said.

The Communists and Nationalists both agree there is "one China" but agree to disagree on the interpretation.

With Long Handshake, China and Taiwan Leaders Affirm Better Ties
Both reaffirmed the idea that they belonged to the same country, the so-called one-China policy that has served as the foundation for their cross-strait dialogues since 1992.

Leaders of Taiwan and China hold historic meeting
A display of amity points to tougher times ahead
Mr Xi and Mr Ma both expressed hope that cross-strait relations would continue to be guided by what is known as the “1992 consensus”, by which the two sides agree that there is only “one China”, without specifying what that means (Taiwan calls itself the Republic of China)

Leaders of China and Taiwan Meet for the First Time
Polls suggest that most of Taiwan’s citizens favor the status quo, which is governed by the 1992 Consensus that there is “one China,” even if both the KMT and the CCP squabble over who has legitimate authority.

Leaders of China and Taiwan Talk of Peace Across the Strait
通篇沒講92共識和one China

China’s Xi Jinping and Taiwan’s Ma Ying-jeou Meet in Singapore
也是通篇沒講92共識和one China

China, Taiwan leaders pledge peaceful ties at historic encounter
On Saturday, there were some pointed references from both sides to how far relations had improved since Ma took power. “It is because of what has been accumulated over the past seven years, that the two sides of the strait can take this historic step today,” Xi said, while Ma said it would have been impossible without that 1992 agreement between the Communists and the Nationalists that there was only “one China.”

China and Taiwan leaders hail historic talks
Mr Ma proposed reducing hostility across the Taiwan Strait, expanding exchanges and establishing a cross-strait hotline, according to Taiwan's central news agency.
He said this was part of consolidating the "1992 consensus" - the agreement under which both sides recognise the principle of "one China" but define it in their own ways.

Leaders of China and Taiwan hold first talks since bitter 1949 split

Xi: One country, not two

On Saturday, Xi reinforced Beijing's stance that Taiwan is a Chinese province.
In a closed door meeting, he told Ma that the cross-strait relationship is not a relationship between two countries, is not the relationship between China and Taiwan. Territories on both sides of the strait belong to the same country, this is a historical fact, and the legal foundation of this fact cannot and will not change, he said, according to China's Taiwan Affairs Office.
That will likely not sit well with many in Taiwan.
Ma told journalists that Taiwan agreed with China's One China Policy, "but we continue to differ on its definition."

Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou meet in Singapore
通篇沒講九二共識和one China


Nikkei Asian Review
Xi, Ma reaffirm support for 'one China'
During the summit, at the Shangri-la Hotel, both leaders acknowledged a highly controversial principle known as the 1992 Consensus. It specifies that both sides belong to one China and has served as the basis for cross-strait exchanges over the past seven and half years, since Ma took office in 2008.


「新常態」(New Normal)其實已經是個舊詞,說的是PIMCO前CEO El-Erian提出全球金融海嘯之後,低速的經濟成長和高失業率將會成為新的常態,從谷底反彈回原本經濟循環的好日子難再。

source:Stock AI